2021 Ethics Vaccine

Vaccine Mandates Are Wrong

I’ve argued that vaccine mandates are the wrong objective at the wrong time.  In this article, I want to convince you that vaccine mandates are just plain wrong.  Wrong—as in the opposite of right.  That kind of wrong.

Wait, you say.  The name of the website is  What gives a simple practitioner of pathology the right to lecture us on right and wrong?

Medical ethics is part of every physician’s education and training.  There are gray areas to be sure, but there are also bright lines that separate ethical from unethical practice, and every doctor knows where these lines are.  Every physician knows the elements of informed consent, and every doctor understands why the Tuskegee experiments were wrong.  There are aspects of vaccine mandates that should be troubling to all ethical physicians and all ethical Americans.

To the extent they are able, patients must participate in medical decisions.  Informed consent requires a doctor to explain in understandable language the risks and benefits of a recommended treatment, the risks and benefits of alternative treatments, and the risks and benefits of doing nothing.  It’s one thing to recommend the risks of a therapy when a patient’s natural disease leaves no other options.  It’s quite another thing to recommend a vaccine when the most significant consequence of refusal is job loss.  Threatening a young person to accept the risks of vaccine against his will smacks of Don Corleone’s “offer he can’t refuse.”  Coerced consent is unethical.

Once we lose the freedom to evaluate and choose risks for ourselves, we lose the liberties at the foundation of our nation.  When vaccines are mandated by a government or an employer, the right to choose what we want to put in our bodies is taken away from us.  When we lose this liberty, how long until we also lose the freedom to associate with those we wish, to worship as we please, to speak our minds, or to choose which path we wish for our lives? 

Vaccine mandates stigmatize dissent and erode individual liberty, separating society into vaccinated people and unvaccinated people.  The vaccinated will have freedoms while the unvaccinated will be denied freedoms.  Vaccinated individuals will have the freedom to eat at any lunch counter; unvaccinated folk will be seated outside in the back.  The vaccinated will be able to watch the ballgame from box seats; the unvaccinated will be forced into designated sections in the outfield.  There will be separate water fountains for vaccinated people and unvaccinated people.  There will be separate entrances into public establishments.  Vaccinated people will have unlimited job opportunities while the unvaccinated will find employment prospects limited.  The vaccinated will enjoy unrestricted travel in the mode and style of their choosing; the unvaccinated will have to ride in the back of the bus, partitioned by a plexiglass shield.  Ethical Americans, like ethical physicians, know the immorality of this type of irrational segregation which is based on the false premise that only the unvaccinated can make others sick.  

There have been some ugly chapters in our history.  Let’s not write a new one.

By Kevin Homer, MD

Kevin Homer has practiced anatomic and clinical pathology at a community hospital in Texas since 1994.

22 replies on “Vaccine Mandates Are Wrong”

My wife is being mandated by the state she works for to get the vaccine or Lise your job. Same for her sister who works for a city gov. Both went to their doctors with real concerns about the vax and their medical issues. Neither are anti vax – just anti rush something and stick it in my body before it’s fully tested people. I know, crazy. Both their doctors refused to provide them with medical exemptions. My wife’s doctor had his nurse contact her and read some crap from the CDC. I feel like there is a gigantic natural gas leak in the country and people are becoming brain dead. If anyone here has suggestions for wife please feel free to reply. Thanks.

File a harassment complaint with the employment board before they fire you. Then, if they fire you, sue, and for as long as the case lasts – which can be years, the employee can collect unemployment benefits.

I understand what you’re going through.. my husband who is a doctor may loose his job .. my daughter and son too. My daughter actually had COVID but that doesn’t seem to matter.. we are trying religious exemptions hopefully to buy time and praying that people wake up to what is happening

I used religious exemption and it was accepted – at least, for now. Have your wife go online and pull up samples, then tweak according to her belief system. Resist!

We’re advised to use antibiotics only when necessary because their excessive use can result in resistant variants of organisms becoming dominant, diminishing the effectiveness of our antibiotics. On the contrary, with COVID-19 everyone is supposed to get “the jab,” which generates a single antigen of the virus. As a result we have seen the rapid replacement of one dominant strain (the Wuhan or alpha strain) with a new resistant strain (the British or delta strain). Now we are told we need a booster vaccine, which we should expect will generate a new dominant variant. In short, the mass vaccination policy using single antigen vaccines appears to be an intentional effort by our Globalist Masters to prolong the pandemic.

Hey, that comment is very interesting. In Australia we are having a very difficult time right now with these evil scum. Our government is relying on the Doherty Institute from Melbourne. Doherty was a veterinary practitioner. Also, the person involved (woman) has major background in HIV??? I wonder if the rumor that the vax has HIV is correct??

Does anyone know about the Doherty institute?

The S1 subunit of SARS-COV2 binds to the receptor angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) in the body. Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors help relax your veins and arteries to lower your blood pressure. The heavier you are, the more ACE2 receptors you have because the body is in greater need of blood pressure regulation.

If employers require vaccination after Pfizer product is fda approved, could a prophylaxis regimen help prevent side effects Dr.Homer?

Knowing the FDA rejected all proposed corona virus vaccines in the past on animal studies because too many died, how can they possibly continue to conduct this experiment on the human population of the world?

At first the corona virus vaccines on other mammals appeared to work but later on in the lengthy trials the mammals began to die in large numbers. What will make humans, who are also members of the mammal family, react differently?

Bottom line is “THEY DON’T KNOW”…

They do know, and mass death is the outcome they want. They own the planet and they want us gone.

Some people would dispute this. They would argue that mask mandates are necessary throughout the US in order to keep others safe. Splitting water fountains by race has no benefit.

Thank you for appearing with Steve Bannon. Have you heard anything about Canmedigo which was suppose to be Canada’s first Vaccine out of McGill University? Apparently it is plant based and in its second trials. I’m probably being to naive to think it will not injure people. It’s said that it does not go into ones DNA. Trudeau just announced that Moderna will now set up shop here in Canada. Would you please comment as shedding any light during this time would be appreciated. 🇨🇦

Dr. Homer, please make a comment on the Novavax COVID19 vaccine. Is it a more safe vaccine option?

I’m looking for a genetic test that will give me data on whether I should take the COVID vaccine. There are so many companies and genetics tests do you have a product that you have found provides accurate data? I’m familiar with the John Hopkins study about AB blood type and their natural immunity, I want to know more.

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