2021 COVID-19 Science Testing Vaccine

Vaccination Card Folly

Do Vaccination Cards Keep Us Safe?

Before I answer that question, I’d like to tell a personal story.  I took a single dose Janssen vaccine March 15, 2021.  I measured my spike protein antibodies on May 20 to make sure that the vaccine worked; my test was positive with an index level of 1.4.  Last Thursday, August 12, I measured my antibodies again.  They were negative.  I have a vaccination card that I can use to sit in a New York City restaurant, attend a concert at SFJAZZ, live on a university campus, or work at a hospital that has mandated vaccines.  Even if H.R. 4980 becomes law, I will be able to travel on an airplane in the United States.  Yet not even five months since my vaccination, there is no longer evidence of antibody-based immunity in my blood.

My story is another example of the folly of making universal vaccination the primary objective of the pandemic response.  Vaccine mandates by restaurants, employers, airlines, colleges, and entertainment venues are based on the flawed assumption that vaccinated people are safe, clean, and not dangerous to others.  There is undeniable evidence that breakthrough infections occur, that the vaccinated can spread the disease, and that vaccinated individuals can die of the disease.  It’s becoming clear that eradication is no longer possible.  

There is also mounting evidence that vaccines are associated with significant side effects that affect the health and wellbeing of individuals.  Expect more evidence to emerge.  We do not yet know the whole story.

I don’t have all the answers—nobody does.  Our understanding of both the virus and the vaccines are so far from complete that it’s impossible for anyone to make sweeping recommendations, no matter their position, no matter their intelligence.  But there is one thing we know for sure.  Clear objectives drive sound decisions.  Before we can win this war, we must agree on a sensible objective.

Our desired outcome should be keeping as many people alive as possible.  The life, health, and wellbeing of all individuals are paramount.  When we give primacy to vaccination status, we lose sight of our noble objective, and we divide people into uncooperating groups.   To the extent that vaccines further our objective, we should use them.  To the extent that early treatments further this objective, we should use them.  To the extent that therapies and treatment protocols have not been fully studied by science, we should fund studies publicly.  Although we can count on the free market to sponsor research when there’s the prospect of a large profit, wouldn’t it be a shame to overlook regimens that can keep people alive just because there’s no money to be made?  But we should never confuse any of these tools with our primary objective. We must allow people to make choices, and we must allow doctors to make personalized decisions in the best interest of individual patients.

Eradication is no longer possible, but survival is.  We must learn to live with the virus.  Have faith.  Have courage.

By Kevin Homer, MD

Kevin Homer has practiced anatomic and clinical pathology at a community hospital in Texas since 1994.

17 replies on “Vaccination Card Folly”

Thank you for your time, effort and information!
The Odysee site interveiw war room …. Excellent!

If the anti bodies are gone from your system in 5 months, what is left in your system from the vaccine? …to cause long term side effects, or just getting the vaccine will cause long term effects. Please explain. Thank you

Dr. Homer,
With all due respect , i do not believe the main purpose of the vax mandates is to keep people safe or healthy. I have come to one conclusion and that is this is money oriented. Maybe power.
Illegals flooding the border like an invasion, many sick with covid and being bused to inner areas of our country. The totally disunited effort to vax versus low death rate ( less than 1 % )
The vax contracts being leaked betwn Pfizer and countries that no sane person would ever sign .
The media push to segregate vax vs nonvax , and the mandates or lose jobs.
This is not about an illness that is treated with cheap , old drugs. ( that info being guarded, which is killing people )
What and where is the cabal that is Evil and driving this ??
With respect…a commoner.

Do the T-Cell memories remain to be activated if you would be exposed? I understand there is no B-Cell memory created by the vax.

Just watched you and Dr Malone on War Room. Excellent information! Please keep working to bring the truth to the forefront. We need courageous men like you and Dr Malone to save our doctors from the political-big pharma bureaucracy. Hope to see you on War Room again soon.

If you appreciate this great doctor’s views, then you will love the book Pandemic Blunder:
A huge amount of data and information not covered by mainstream media are in Pandemic Blunder that tells the story of how over 500,000 Americans have died from COVID-19 unnecessarily because the government has blocked early home/outpatient treatment and prevention. With over 600,000 COVID American deaths, learning about safe and effective treatment is more important than ever.
About the Book:Pandemic Blunder contains considerable medical information and data to support a number of proven safe, cheap generic medicines and protocols that knock out the coronavirus when given early. Read about the pioneering, courageous doctors who have been using innovative approaches to prevent their COVID patients from needing hospital care and facing death. The book includes many expert opinions and Real World Evidence from doctors that show 70 to 80 percent of COVID deaths could have been prevented—and still can be. Don’t be victimized by disinformation and propaganda. Learn how corrupt forces are aiming to make billions of dollars from expensive medicines and vaccines, and how hundreds of thousands of deaths could have—and should have—been prevented! Detailed information is given to help people protect their lives by using simple prevention protocols, an alternative to vaccines.
Independent review:

And here are some recent articles:

Thank you Kevin for this wise and insightful narrative based on your experience. These vaccine mandates are dividing our country, families and friends. It’s exactly how Communism works, in fact. Just in this last week, I’ve been discriminated against by friends, and outright bullied by my own family members. Only those who have courage and leadership will survive this. TY again!

Thanks for your wisdom and courage in voicing reality Kevin. Just this last week I experienced outright discrimination by two friends (or, aleast I thought they were), and anger/outrage and bullying by my very own family. These mandates are dividing our country, friends and families. It’s a common strategy of Communism, where Big Brother replaces the family network. We must be very aware of the ‘bigger picture’ here and be awake to what is being done to our society by our so-called leadership and its mouthpiece, the media.

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