2021 COVID-19 Vaccine

Staying Alive

If anything is sacred, the human body is sacred.

― Walt Whitman

How should we define victory in the war on the pandemic?  My vision may surprise you.  I think our objective should be not dying.  Death rates should be our success metric, and the preservation of our institutions and freedoms our goal.  We can accomplish this by making smart individual decisions, not sweeping collective ones.  We cannot allow our society to be fractured into camps of the vaccinated and unvaccinated.

The universal vaccination mandates sweeping across our nation now are more dangerous than the current wave of SARS-CoV-2 infections.  Don’t believe me?  Check out the CDC’s COVID Data Tracker.  Deaths from COVID-19 are at their lowest levels since the pandemic began.  Yet on pain of job loss, we are pushing vaccines into the arms of our young who have the most to lose and least to gain.

Don’t get me wrong.  Vaccination is an important tool in our effort to save people from dying of COVID-19.  Those at greatest risk—the old, the obese, the diabetics—should strongly consider vaccination for their own safety.  Vaccines also reduce the spread of COVID-19 within a community.  When vaccines became available in late December, community infection rates declined as vaccination rates went up.  But that doesn’t mean that vaccination is in the best interest of every individual.

Wait, I hear you say, we must vaccinate everybody to contain breakthrough and stop the spread of the virus.  Especially hospital workers—I want to know that people taking care of me are vaccinated so they won’t make me sick.  Nice theory, but where’s the data that supports the idea that vaccinated people can’t make you sick, that vaccines contain breakthrough and stop the spread of the disease?  I’ve looked; I can’t find it.  If you have it, please share it with me.

I see data that supports the opposite theory.  In last Friday’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR), the CDC reported a SARS-CoV-2 outbreak in a highly vaccinated community.  Some were shocked to learn that three-quarters of these cases occurred in fully vaccinated individuals, that the viral loads between vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals were identical, and that four out of five patients sick enough to be hospitalized were fully vaccinated.  This report supports one of the points made last week: vaccination doesn’t prevent COVID-19.  Breakthrough cases occur, and the vaccinated can spread the virus.  Universal vaccination will fail as a containment strategy.

But, you persist, we have to vaccinate everybody before new variants emerge that will be even more dangerous.  After all, you say, 90% of the virus in the reported outbreak were delta variant.  True, this outbreak was mostly delta variant, but delta variant is now the dominant variant in the U. S. because of its higher transmissibility, just like alpha variant replaced original SARS-CoV-2 earlier in the year.  Where is the evidence that universal vaccination prevents formation of more dangerous variants?  Again, I’ve looked, and I don’t find it.  If you have it, please share it with me.

Infectious disease orthodoxy says the opposite.  Indiscriminate use of anti-biologic agents pressure pathogens to mutate, increasing their virulence.  Doctors are reprimanded for treating viral illnesses with antibacterial agents (“antibiotics”) because they have potential for more harm than good.  The same is true for vaccines designed to prevent infections by viruses that easily mutate. That’s one reason we don’t have vaccines for the common cold—the target moves too quickly, and infection is not that dangerous to most people.  Universal vaccination will fail to prevent emergence of variants.

If universal vaccination becomes our objective in the war against the pandemic, deaths may increase, surges may continue, and more dangerous variants may emerge, but won’t we feel good about our vaccination rates?  The pandemic has an enemy; it’s not the unvaccinated.

There is another way.  Allow doctors to make individualized decisions for treatment and vaccination in the best interest of each patient.  If we do all we can to help those at risk, deaths will continue to go down.  The virus may never go away, but we can learn to live with it.  We can also preserve our institutions and freedoms, and we can stop dividing people.  We can stay alive.

By Kevin Homer, MD

Kevin Homer has practiced anatomic and clinical pathology at a community hospital in Texas since 1994.

69 replies on “Staying Alive”

Love this article. Lots of good information. The article doesn’t even mention the suppression of prescribed drugs and supplements that have proven to help heal Covid victims. Vitamin D, quercetin, zinc, Ivermectin and HCQ. So many more people could have been saved in the early stages if it wasn’t for the criminal censorship of that information with the goal of touting the “vaccines” as the ONLY solution.

I’m not a physician but God did bless me with common sense and basic math skills. The article reflects a good dose of both and it comes from a trained pathologist. Thank you for having the courage to share this information. I also concur with Mr Retzer.

Watching Dr. Kevin on WarRoom ! Another interesting thing concerning what this pathologist was saying this morning——- my doctors ( all of them don’t want to talk about or have zero interest and even look upset that I brought up the fact that after 20 yrs on chemo for leukemia, I got no vaccine and came face to face with COVID positive persons and never got it. I wanted to find out if I had antibodies and that thought that was not necessary. I am over 65. I finally got an antibody test and supposedly it was negative. Still get the feeling that physicians just want me to stop making waves, just get the vaccine and stop talking about it. It is all about following orders. Maderno representative on the phone even said that with severe Aphib and on a leukemia drug that is known to not mix well with other drugs, it would probably not be a good idea to get their vaccine . My doctor still say you should get it. It appears no one cares what happens to you.

Don’t you dare get it. One of my friends brother-in-law died from the vaccine because his doctor recommended it. I would rather get Covid than the vaccine. Any day!
It’s all about money and forcing people to have the vaxport which is digital control for the future… Just like China has over 1.4 billion people already.

I believe We all need to make educated decisions for ourselves concerning our risks. No one should pressure you into a decision you have not made for yourself. You alone will live (or not) with the consequences. I’m 69, over weight but losing weight, taking a pile of supplements and vitamins, getting sunshine and eating very cleanly. I do Not believe I need a vaccine. I haven’t Had any type of flu in so long I can’t Remember when.

I completely agree! We need to push nutraceuticals and IVM, HCQ, (or an equivalent therapy), and not “conform” to the narrative of “vax or else!”

Please reply on what are nutraceuticals ? I am not familiar with this term. I take liquid vitamin D 3, Zinc,Vitamin C, and a health aid called Heal n Soothe

Dr. Homer, I work for a major health care organization that is mandating COVID vaccination for all employees who do not have religious or medical exemptions. I have no patient contact at all. I do remote telephonic work. I have not been vaccinated for many reasons. I prefer to acquire natural immunity and use therapeutics to mitigate symptoms and severity than to be vaccinated. My problem is, not only would I lose the job I love and depend on, but, because of suppression of information that does not echo the accepted narrative, I have no idea of how and where to obtain therapeutics both for prophylaxis and treatment. If I could obtain hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, or any of the other recommended therapies, I would have no idea about dosing, frequency, and duration. Do you have any thoughts or recommendations?

Terry, go to America’s frontline doctors website ( might be dot org, not dot com). Or go to FLCCC website. Both have tons of information on covid related treatment, not only for at home, but for doctors and hospitals.
They have telemedicine doctors you can pay a fee to to get profalaxis treatment and give you all the details on how and when to take.
Also, take Vit D3, quercetin, zinc, NAC and melatonin – this is also found on their sites.
All the best to you with your job and your health.

@Terry Arnold. You can visit to get a telehealth consult to receive prophylactic ivermectin (dosed by weight) or hydroxychloroquine. It’s a $90 consult fee & they have an affiliate pharmacy that doesn’t accept insurance but you can have Rx forwarded to your pharmacy & my cost is just over $3 for 59 tablets of ivermectin.

America’s Frontline Doctors provide effective therapeutic treatments. Also, My Free Doctor.

Text MyFreeDoctor @ (850)750-1322

Dr. Homer,
Watched Warroom today and Reading through your article were shocked by CDC’s report” that four out of five patients sick enough to be hospitalized were fully vaccinated and vaccination doesn’t prevent COVID-19″.
My question is why CDC still give recommendation to our government pushing Universal vaccination?
I personally would love to say thank you for telling Americans know the truth!

Agreed, seems like profit trumps the truth these days! Thanks for speaking truth Dr. Homer. (Great Warroom interview)

I no longer trust my medical professionals as they are playing along with this idiotic circus act. What use is intelligence if you haven’t a spine?

AT LEAST 50 PEER REVIEWED & PUBLISHED studies warning the dangers of masking. Not a singe paper in favor.

VAERS tells the story of a Co-genocide.

Our pediatrician’s office called to let me know that the jab is available for CHILDREN 12&up. Well, I kindly reminded them of an oath to ‘do no harm’ & that they will be complicit, and held accountable, in this ‘culling’.

I also offered them perspective. The infusion I get every month was taken off the market for about 5 years (04-09) because THREE (possibly 4?) people DIED.


I’ve been on it for 3 years and I want off, NOW. (I’ve been told that I will never be able to discontinue DMT Tx because of the risks. Or perhaps it’s the 22k a month charged to my ins company 🧐)

My specialists, at world class hospital no less, are playing their parts very well, and they know that we know. Their weakness is heartbreaking, and terrifying. They are overtly lying (to themselves as well) and/or claiming ignorance. How is it that I, a housewife, am more informed on the pandemic/jab than they are?!

I’ve always been of the belief that if you lie about little/insignificant/idiotic things, you lack any integrity …therefore you CANNOT be trusted.

Keep in mind, “I was just following orders” will never be excused, nor forgiven!

And FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, I am nauseated when the people that I respect and follow say “It’s your choice!”

ARE YOU PEOPLE MAD?!?! Would you stay silent watching another human play Russian roulette?

It sickens me that celebrity and ‘materialistic self-preservation’
are valued more than humanity itself. Out of sight out of mind. Much like Coltan production.

We may not love each other, but we all have people that love us & depend on us.

Think of their families as if they were your own..
Imagine the eternal heartbreak they would suffer.
The devastation & upheaval of their lives.

All for what?!?!

We may not be able to change anyone’s mind, but at least our conscience made a legitimate effort.

Please say no to the jab.

DR. Homer, thanks for the level headed approach in a world of shotgun blasted advice. Seems to makes sense as comparing it to the flu shot back in the day, I remember them pushing everyone should get it and then they backed down to healthcare works and elders, which made sense, over time several others received the flu shot as well. Forcing a Vaccine is wrong on so many levels which is for another story. Thanks again, Oh and BTW I found you on War Room Pandemic.

Keep up the truth-telling. Also, where is the Tinfoil Hat Theory article you mentioned on warroom?

My opinion, if anyone is being forced to take an experimental jab to keep their job, go to school, etc, they should find another job, go independent and wait to go back to college until common sense prevails.

I am 66, type 1 well controlled diabetic and they will have to hunt me down to stick a needle in my arm. I’ve done more reading/watching/research In the past 18 months and feel we should have shielded the vulnerable and reached herd immunity via natural immunity along with prescribing IVM, HCQ, Budesonide, and oxygen tanks at home, if needed. Also, recommending people get their vit D levels checked, take supplements to enhance the immune system along with Quercetin, zinc, NAC and melatonin. We would not still be talking about a pandemic and variants.

It is also my opinion the vaccines have produced the so called variants. Mass vaccination during a pandemic creates selective pressure on the virus and it mutates to keep going, stay alive.

It is also my opinion that this experimental jab overrides our innate immune system, and now, many double vaccinated exposed to natural occurring wild type viruses are getting very ill – their immune systems are not functioning properly. Just like in the many trials that were done since 2003, trying to come up with a coronavirus vaccine, all the animals died when exposed to wild type coronavirus. The type many of us already have antibodies against as we have encountered them throughout out lifetime. But if our immune systems are negated by spike antibodies floating around (vaccine induced), we cannot properly fight normal viruses off. Called antibody dependent enhancement.

If we do not all stand up and fight against medical tyranny now, we will lose the opportunity to do so. It is now or never.


We do need to get active! They are laser focused on pushing these vaccine. They are using PsyOp like they did in Germany against the Jewish people. They are using businesses that depend on the government funding to push there agenda.

We are witnessing nefariousness activity (government, legacy media and Big tech) or worse, crimes against humanity.

I can’t believe actually thinking and writing this, just how I see it looking how this pandemic has unfolded and watching what they are doing and more importantly what they are not doing.

You have said it perfectly. You’re exactly right. They squashed preventative treatments/ harassed doctors who encourage them. Including Vit D… Can you believe it? They wanted to keep the fear going and the virus going until the vaccine could be distributed and everybody be suckered into it because they want a vaxport to digitally control us in the future. I teach globally in China already has 1.4 billion people under digital control. The project finished last April 2020 via Google. We must stsnd up and fight for our rights now!!

Heard you on War Room. I agree entirely. Recently my on MD., rushed me into getting the vaccine without doing his job of checking to see if I already had antibodies and really failed in the informed consent and do no harm. I was quite sick for two days and felt the vaccine go through different parts of my body doing damage over a couple weeks finally reaching my brain. Wife says I’m still not quite the same several months later. It was the Johnson &johnson which didn’t have mRNA. He broke his oath and became a panicked pharmaceutical salesman. He was a great doctor before that and now he’s not. I’m damaged and so is he. Incidentally both my wife and I were slightly ill with a fever For a week in February 2020 and her recent test for having antibodies is positive. Thanks cdc.

A nurse who is very close to my heart tells me that 6 of 80 hospitalized Covid patients are vaccinated. There are over a half dozen on ECMO from ages ranging 21-54. No co-morbidities. This beloved nurse is mad that I am choosing not to be vaccinated at this time. I, too, am a healthcare worker. My employer has mandated vaccination but remarkably has accepted my religious exemption request to not be vaccinated. I’ve not been sick since early October 2019. This dear nurse tells me such meds as ivermectin and HQC are merely. ‘snake oil’. So confused now, as I feel I should trust this well-educated healthcare professional, but my gut feeling says do not take the jab. Ugh.

How can a doctor even state to take the experimental gene therapy!! Have you looked into what is in the jab? If it were a vaccine, how is it 64% of people coming down with wuhan were jabbed. Have you seen what it does to the blood cells? Have no faith in CDC or doctors anymore.

Just saw you on Steve Bannon’s War Room — I wish I could have heard more from you (everything you said resonated with me), but your time on the show was just too short. As for the CDC, that organization lost all credibility with me when they put out guidance that all children over the age of 2 should wear masks!! I got kicked off YouTube for stating that opinion, and now post on Rumble under the channel name: “DeborahRCastleman.”

On Bannon’s War Room you gave the perfect text book definition of the pathological criminal minds.
The PRECIPICE is about to be met. The Great Awakening.

“WE CAN NOT AFFORD TO SEE THIS PLAY OUT” Well said! I’ll add that to the end of every one of my post.
Thx Raheem.

Thank you for speaking out.
Sanity and rational logic carry the day.
That is not what is coming out of the CDC, and from Fauci’s lying mouth.
I’ve read the studies that have been published, read the Great Barrington Declaration and the Belgian Doctor’s Letter.
Herd immunity is the goal and the only goal that the CDC should be concerned about.
A compromised immune system, because of co-morbidities is the issue, but the language used is one of subterfuge.
Instead of focusing on the vulnerable, it is an all or nothing approach.
My doctor and I had the “discussion” about all of this earlier this summer.
His comment was, “I agree with you, but I dare not speak out, because the CDC have lawyers and they will shut me down.”
Fear is being used in a most cynical and arrogant manner to effect control.
The pandemic response was never about the disease, it was about, then and now, control.
This is the largest psych warfare exercise ever conducted world-wide.
I am one who believes that those vulnerable should be the focus, not those who are healthy.
We who are healthy, are doing just fine.
Me and mine had COVID-19 back in Dec., 2019 when it when through the Mat-Su Valley in Alaska. I am 69.
Unfortunately, far too many who are healthy are supporting the oppression in a mistaken belief that government never lies and that COVID is deadly for all, not just the vulnerable.
Fauci is becoming a very rich boy selling his influence to big pharma.
Not bad for a guy who directed funding for the research that created the gain of function that resulted in COVID-19.
I look forward to Fauci’s, Dr. Neil Ferguson, Peter Daszack and many more eventually being charged with and prosecuted for crimes against humanity.
We should never sell out freedom so cheaply ever again.

I volunteered for clinical trials the vaccine is safe for anyone over 40 we are all going to be old someday. The vaccine is unnecessary if you had covid were ill and recovered. You can test for antibody in about 30 minutes at many pharmacies for $25.

I find it hard to believe a “Dr” would post that we are all going to die someday so, in other words, if you are over 40, take the jab. Very concerning post coming from a doctor. I personally know several people who were deathly ill…one being 58 years old…approximately 4 hours after receiving the jab. She is not my only friend who had adverse events/reactions. In addition to me doing my research on the vaccine dangers, perhaps you should too.

It’s so disconcerting to see a licensed pathologist let his personal political opinions influence his medical decisions. Your claims are extremely misleading and draw conclusions not backed up by the very articles you link to. For example, you claim the vaccines will cause the virus to mutate and become deadlier – the study you linked to ONLY draws this conclusion for individuals who are NOT vaccinated. Those that are vaccinated will still see benefits from it, even with deadlier mutations. The study further goes on to state that vaccines that block breakthrough infections (which is why the booster is so important) actually cause the virus to mutate to be LESS deadly.

There is no evidence that vaccines caused the variants. The Alpha and original Delta variants predate the vaccines – so your hypothesis that they’re the cause is ridiculous.

Your concerns over ADE are unwarranted. If COVID-19 vaccines caused ADE, people who are vaccinated against COVID-19 would have more severe disease. This is not happening. On the contrary, people who are vaccinated typically have very mild disease or none at all.

Any professional that chooses to associate themselves with someone like Steve Bannon should have their credentials called into question. What you’re doing is extremely dangerous and will hurt people.

Exactly right. this joker wants to troll us based on …. nothing … he has no credentials and worse, no data. He’s just a mindless follower of St Fauci who has been lying to us non-stop for over a year.

Dr Homer is right! There are many scientists saying that the virus mutates because of the vaccinated.

Geert Vandenbosch (the number one vaccine developer in the world for 30 years) started saying it last year and now the scientists are proving it to be true.

This vaccine doesn’t work and it’s all about money and power! Wake up to the corruption! Vitamin D, zinc, Vit C and eating real whole foods is the best preventative along with hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin or budesonide treatments. That’s why Africa has the lowest cases because they take HCQ every week for malaria.That’s why Chile has the most cases because they are 80% vaccinated.

and we should believe you over an actual doctor who is actively practicing because ????

Troll someone else, leave the thinking to intelligent people

Doctor Homer,
I caught you on Warroom today. Thanks for your documented, evenhanded, sober information. I am 75, but have all ages in my family. I have always been alert to reliable info about Covid.
The US society is in a sad state of confusion due to misinformation from the top. It appears we, as a people, are being deliberately misled.
Thank you.

I do not understand why!. Why get the vaccine if it doesn’t work on delta virus. Isn’t delta the main virus in the U.S. How do they know it’s delta without a test? If it’s so bad, why are our borders open? Love to here responses

spot on! it’s all about power and corruption! They are trying to force us into the vaxport which is the platform China uses to control 1.4 billion people today digitally

Good article. So appreciate your honesty and simplifying some of the more complex questions. I am not anti-vax but as you say Pro-choice with information about yourselves. Sad that Drs usually just go along as majority of people do. However, it’s a numbers problem and people, as a whole, don’t have confidence in doing this on their own and latch on to someone they trust to make decisions for them. Sad but true. I’m a 69 yr old retired engineer, Type 1 diabetic and would be likely candidate for vax. However, I also have immune system disorder beyond diabetes and have ITP which in remission now and couldn’t think of dealing with that on top of Covid. My personal decision was No Way would I take the vax. Then as all the mis and just plain ignorant information came from professionals especially CDC, I was very untrusting. I just watched you on War Room Pandemic and decided to send you a note of appreciation. I’ve increased my supplements of D3, Zn, C and started taking IVT weekly which I was finally able to get through “” as all of my Drs would not prescribe unless I was diagnosed with Covid. An dr in Utah, a pathologist, did a tele-consult and was able to help.
Just a note to thank you for your professional responses.

Excellent article and replies were very helpful! I’m 72 and many encounters of the coronavirus type,I had shingles vaccine, a year later had break out, maybe due to antibody dependent enhancement?!
2020, I had good bout of covid (hubby too), I’ll not take vaccine, I’m an 8 yr. lymphoma survivor, 3 yr. since severe blood poisoning “unknown origin”, & received pacemaker 2019. What Dr. Kevin raises
is completely ethical, & “first, do no harm”!

I have an issue with taking the vaccine, because of a low Platelet count due to advanced Cirrhosis of the Liver, my Platelet count ranges between 52k-77K. I understand one of the side effects of Pfizer and Moderna is your platelet count may drop, I already have issues on some days with my blood clotting when I cut myself. I take no medications, I am 65 yrs old, probably 15 lbs overweight, BP is normally 122/72. O2 is 96%, I personally would rather get the virus than take a vaccine, I’ve been exposed up close to three people who had the virus and didn’t know it. I feel given that I have educated myself with the info available from Dr. Homer and Dr. Robert Malone I am making the best decision for me. I enjoyed you interview on the War Room, and look forward to future interviews with Stephen Bannon. That is if you don’t get compromised by your facility that you work for or Big Pharma.

I guess you’ve gotten a lot of response from Warroom. Love your blog. Am dying of curiosity, about your thinking about why they want to force those with natural immunity to get the vaccine. The more I look and read and learn, the more malicious seem their motives. I think daily I am learning more and more about how there seems to be an endgame that will not end well for many.

Alk the links worked for me just now (7Aug2021, 0700hr PDT) – maybe they were “fixed” since your attempt.

The COVID IFR ( infection Fatality Rate) is 0.26 , so why are we even talking about a vaccine? Nothing else should discussed about that. However, we should be organizing protests about mandates and corporate censorship.

Hello doc. I would like to bounce something off you since you seem to be a facts and data guy which is what this topic needs. I have been kinda down the last 4 years, got tons of tendon and nerve damage in both arms. So I haven’t been able to do much but research.

Through my research and the research of many others I have I believe solved why 74% of Americans have a gut problem. I have figured out why mental issues are so prevalent..

My research has led me down the rat hole from hell. I have been trying to find someone who will take this seriously who has access to a lab. I’m hoping your lab has an electron microscope that can see sub 1nm micro particles. I will try and explain without writing a book.

Geo engineering has been going on since the 1940’s. This can be proven easily. We have many laws on the books. Public law 85-510 signed July 11, 1958 by Dwight D Eisenhower is one example.. Geo engineering uses micro particles of barium, aluminum, strontium, magnesium, plastics, and it would appear graphene for ice nucleation. has a few programs everyone should watch. They have so many documents and just mountains of evidence these programs are very real. Dane’s latest video shows UVC sunlight is hitting earth now because of geo engineering. UVC can and if these programs are not stopped, well it will cause what is known as Venus syndrome. Aka earth is dead along with everything on it.

Here is where things get quite ugly. These micro particles have been used for ages. People are full of them. Lungs. Brain, kidneys.. pick a part. It has these metals in them. Animals or humans. If you look at American elements they sell these micro particles. As do a few other huge companies. If you look you will see these things are sold in extremely small sizes.

But here is why I say you must look for smaller than 10mn and down under 1nm.. these particles have to be shipped. They have to be loaded onto the planes. They have to be ejected from the plane through a pressurized system with corners and lots of pressure. That is a ton of friction and a ton of impacts. Pieces of these micro particles are going to get broken off the larger pieces.

From my research it can be proven they have caused many weather events. Cali blizzards to floods. It can be proven. Geo engineering is the single biggest crime in recorded history. It has killed wildlife with a vengeance. It has polluted the human body and ALL sky facing water sources. Check out California’s water standards. Ask why are their levels for aluminum etc more than 2x higher than the other 49 states..

Doc if you look at tissues. Look at blood.. I have zero doubts what you find will be quite unnerving. From the doctors I have talked to about this.. particles this small are never looked for. Someone needs to. Geo engineering is the single biggest crime in history. Nothing comes close to it. Trillions of taxpayers dollars have been spent without public consent. This was largely hidden from the public and still is.

I know you’re busy with covid. Covid is man made. Period. The link I’ll include proves it. But someone needs to look for these particles in tissues. I have zero doubts we are all loaded with them. Californians will be the worst. Their state has been getting the blunt of these programs for decades. As has the entire west coast.

I hope you will dig into this. The 50+ world governments that have these programs need to be locked up forever. They’re killing people. All the syndromes and disorders we didn’t have before about 1980’s. Caused by geo engineering. All the wonder drugs are to combat the effects of geo engineering! I sincerely hope you look into this.

When it’s all said and done.. the damage to private and public property is almost immeasurable. The death toll.. saw those floods in China? CNN reported China expanded their weather modification test area to 5 million square miles. An area bigger than India! This is a crime and I need real evidence if I am to charge the United States government and all the others with crimes against humanity and the environment! Give me this evidence and I will go after them. This is a crime and thousands are guilty of making it happen.

Thanks doc.

It’s Big Pharma Money making machine … people need to wake up! We’ve been poisoned for years with drugs…the one they pushing this vaccine are the ones who demonize any natural cures!!!
You’re depressed or insomnia… get lavender oil, high blood pressure (because they poison our food…. take turmeric and red beet, etc ….I’ve been healed with natural cures (I had a breast lumps… very painful but treated with B17)…. all of my family including me had covid last year and we treated with vitamins like D, C, zinc magnesium, probiotic and tea plants. Nothing else!!!
And people are like “WHAT? What are you talking about? I trust doctors! I don’t believe in such cures, because I don’t see it on TV, mainstream, news etc!”
You need to be reprogrammed and STOP watching their corrupt system media well founded!!! Infiltration to brainwash society!!!
Had savage migraines for 3 years (once a month)…. refused to go to any doctor for to prescribe medication because there is alternative medicine. Pressure points! Got rid of it. People want quick fix but they don’t think of the multiple side effects! Even cancer!!! But still take it!
Once you detoxify your body and bring it in to a alkaline stage…. your body even if it catches something…. has the power to regenerate. We’ve been inoculated through the media and other social info that the only way is to take medication… run to the doctor and he will solve your problems!
I am a former physical therapist and I have been doing my own research …. they are so many natural therapies and cures out there! We can cure anything!!!
Of course if you go on google they are going to pose it as a demonized treatment, not effective and so on!!! They control the information! It’s actually the opposite they post! If they say it’s not approved by FDA or whatever…. go for it! They don’t want you to wake up and know that you can have a FREE CURE without their money making machine. They have to keep you as a patient… keep going, change the medication with something else…so they can make you slave depending on them! It’s so clear … like a piece of puzzle!
You should only go to a doctor only if you really have an emergency!!!
Be blessed!

Dr. Homer, I heard you on Warroom and it was such a common sense, honest commentary, based on both your medical experience and also what you are seeing and discerning around you For me, it gave great hope, that there are medical doctors out there who KNOW like many of us do, that there is more going on here than what we are being fed. I, for one, will lose my nursing job at a major healthcare facility in Fort Worth, if I don’t received the vaccine by September 10. Although for people not in that situation, it seems like a no-brainer, for those of us who invested 20+ years in education, training and caring for patients, it is our career and way of life. As a single 67 year old, of course I’m concerned with how I will support myself without a nursing job. I’m equally concerned for my colleagues, some of whom are pregnant, and will not be given a medical exemption. Ultimately, God will take care of us individually, but it blows my mind that we are being forced to go against what we know is right and true, to maintain employment as a nurse. PLEASE, keep speaking truth to power.

Donna, if you are on Instagram, check out ritarogersco. She is a nurse and has relevant info about how to deal with forced vacs in the workplace. Particularly if you are a Christian. Check out her story today.

Enjoyed your WarRoom discussion.
Anti inflammatory drugs & anti coagulation drugs~ so can we take Tylenol & aspirin as part of our daily health regimen?

Thanks for your courage. Saw you on War Room/Rumble. Please also have the courage to fight the legal battle to decline the vaccine. Sidney Powell has many good tips and forms.

One is for your employer to sign an agreement to accept all liability of vaccine injury on her website. Another is to follow federal law that says it is ILLEGAL to be pressured to take an experimental treatment/vaccine.

She also has the forms for religious and medical exemptions. don’t let anybody put aborted fetal tissue or antifreeze in you. Robert F Kennedy Jr had proof!! Also the ACLJ is helping many fight this legally. fight for the rest of us that are fighting also!

Anyone being forced to take the vaccine please check out Sidney Powell’s website. to push back. Make your employer sign the liability assumption form. It is against federal law to pressure anyone to take an experimental treatment! Also apply for a religious exemption because there are aborted fetal tissues in the vaccine. Robert F Kennedy Junior has the proof of this on Also contact the ACLJ -Jay or Jordan Sekulow for legal advice!

Hello. I have a copy of my positive covid DLO from November 2020. I am refusing the vaccine until they can show sufficient data regarding re-infection rates or until someone, whether it’s the vaccine manufacturers or the corporate businesses, steps up and assumes any and all financial liability for the covid vaccines. I have questions that are not being answered, instead the actual questions are being suppressed which is the opposite of informed consent. I am thankful for your voice of reason and bravery. If I can help you in any way, please let me know. I know many people who have recovered from covid and refuse vaccinations as well as those who have recovered and been vaccinated. If you know of any legit study looking to research natural immunity, please post it in the newsletter. Thank you

Where can I get some ivermectin so that I can have it on hand in case I need it?

I live in Oregon and the docs out here are mostly Fauci worshipers; no thinking allowed and they won’t prescribe anything Trump said was good or that doesn’t make Big Pharma rich.

[…] As the virus continues to evolve, a variety of variants should be expected, but instead we find a monotypic variant population.  This suggests unnatural manipulation, and this observation coincidental with the continued push for vaccination by a first-generation vaccine.  Could there be a causal relationship?  Could the Omicron variant be a result of the vaccination policy advocated by national and international health organizations?  We don’t know for sure, but it is plausible.  What we do know is that this virus will be with us for some time.  Universal vaccination will not eradicate SARS-CoV-2.  We must look elsewhere if we are going to live with the virus.   […]

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