2021 COVID-19 Ethics Vaccine

What If You Are Wrong?

I am not talking to President Biden, Rochelle WalenskyAnthony Fauci, or anyone else conflicted by political or material entanglements with the pharmaceutical industry.  I am not talking to members of VRBPAC or ACIP, or principal investigators for NIH.  I am not talking to Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, or anyone who has made billions during the pandemic.  I am not talking to anyone who has sold out.  If you would do anything to hold onto your research grant, to keep your airline running, or to protect your fiefdom, I am not talking to you.  I am not talking to media syndicates with synchronized messages.  I am not talking to those cynical about the American dream who think “of the people, by the people, for the people” is naïve and passé twaddle.  I am not talking to anyone numb to the pangs of conscience, sociopaths who prioritize greed and power over the lives of others.  I am not talking to you because you are already lost.  I have nothing to say to you.

I am talking to foot soldiers in the army of the people I am not talking to.  I am talking to leaders who have power over people and policies.  I am talking to those trying to keep their businesses safe for customers and employees.  I am talking to hospital administrators responsible for protecting patients from harm.  I am talking to doctors who care about the welfare of their patients.  I am talking to elected officials trying to best represent their constituents.  I am talking to leaders in the military and law enforcement who protect us from bad people.  I am talking to dedicated scientists in public health agencies.  I am talking to ethical small business owners.  I am talking to HR directors responsible for a healthy and productive workforce.  I am talking to all those who want to do the right thing.  I know you are out there.

You are leaning on what has worked in the past.  You steer a middle course.  But as the pandemic evolves, the paradigms have diverged.  It is no longer possible to keep one foot on the dock and the other in the boat; the middle ground is now under water.  You have chosen the orthodoxy proclaimed by all the people I am not talking to.  You feel safer there.  Afterall, you are in a delicate situation.  You know how things work.  You are expected to be a good soldier and toe the line.

I’ve got a question for you.  What if you are wrong?

You require vaccines for your employees, you urge boosters for your patients, because aggressive vaccination policies keep the public safe; the unvaccinated are a threat to the health of others.  Vaccinate your employees, vaccinate your patients, vaccinate your children.  Use the carrot, use the stick, but get it done.  But what if universal vaccination will not eradicate the virus?  What if the vaccinated can become infected and spread the virus to others?  What if indiscriminate vaccination pressures the virus to mutate into more dangerous forms?  What if antibody dependent enhancement causes devastating infections in the vaccinated?

You tell others that vaccines are safe and effective.  You encourage your patients, your family, your friends to get boosted.  Vaccine complications are rare, you say; COVID will shred your lungs, destroy the pleasures of taste and smell, and put you face down on a ventilator.  But what if vaccine safety data has been deceptively manipulated?  What if you learn of death spikes in populations after vaccines were introduced?  What if there is collusion to suppress adverse vaccine safety information?  What if the industry reports of vaccine efficacy deliberately leave out measures of absolute risk reduction?

You believe we must protect our children by early vaccination.  But what do you do with the evidence that healthy children don’t die of COVID, that vaccination risks for kids far outweigh benefits, and that natural immunity in children is durable?

You say this crisis is no time to question the wisdom of our government’s healthcare policies.  Afterall, they’ve been guided by the greatest minds on earth.  But how do you feel when you learn that USA has more total per capita COVID-19 deaths than 90% of the nations on earth, and that during the pandemic, average lifespan of Americans has dropped by nearly 2 years, 8.5 times the rest of the developed world?  How do you account for the thousands of physicians and scientists who have signed the Global Covid Declaration?

When the FDA tweets, “You are not a horse. You are not a cow. Seriously, y’all. Stop it,” you like it, you share it, but for sure you won’t prescribe Ivermectin or dispense it in your pharmacy.  Afterall, there have been no adequately powered, well-designed, well-conducted clinical trials that support the use of Ivermectin in the treatment of COVID-19.  You know that treatment for severe COVID is hospitalization, Remdesivir, steroids, and mechanical ventilation.  But what if you learn that Remdesivir’s approval was based on inadequately powered, uncontrolled clinical trials that showed shortened hospitalizations instead of improved survival?  What if you learned that early treatment keeps people out of the hospital?  What if chloroquine prevents infection and spread of SARS viruses?  What if the use of approved, off-label, unpatented, repurposed drugs by physicians is really generating the outstanding success rates reported by Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care AllianceAmerican’s Frontline Doctors, and the Pandemic Health Alliance?  What if there has been a deliberate attempt to suppress alternative therapies for COVID-19?  What if the leaders of institutions you have trusted for health guidance are manipulating you to enrich themselves and others?

Are you sure that your actions, your decisions, your influence, your mandates are not harming people?

Your decisions affect the welfare, livelihood, and very lives of others.  And you are not just deciding for us; you are deciding for our children too.  And their children.  And all that come after.

Maybe you have been deceived.  But what if you are wrong?

By Kevin Homer, MD

Kevin Homer has practiced anatomic and clinical pathology at a community hospital in Texas since 1994.

10 replies on “What If You Are Wrong?”

Yes, What if? What happens now? I think it already is happening. Total distrust of the govt. FDA, big and more. Distrust of Drs and hospitals pushing a one for all vaccine.

What made me think when this first happened? Why would the govt offer people money to get the vaccine !!! That stopped me in my tracks !!!…

Now , in 2021,. Why were all those Drs. And nurses HEROS, and now they are getting shit on!

Common sense says, something isn’t right here !!

I’m over 60 , I had vaccines in my life, I never got offered money, tickets to a show, lottery winnings to get a vaccine.

Common sense is all you ever need.
With faith in God, not Govt

I agree with you Tammy. I believe we’ve been mislead and lied to for a long time. I regret allowing my kids to be given so many vaccines and I regret taking so many myself. No more! I no longer trust my doc or the medical establishment. The incentives and the profit motive are clouding many good docs’ judgement. A day of reckoning is coming.

Thank you for being a voice of reason. I am in a support group on Facebook for vaccine injured. I am seeing a lot of heart, immunological, and neuralogocal disease. Some are diagnosed with small fiber neuropathy, many with POTS, some with MS or ALS as a result of the vaccine. Some talk about csf leaks. I have EDS, a rare connective tissue disorder, and there are some people injured there with preexisting EDS. We tend to be canaries anyway. I contacted the EDS Society to see of there was any signal for vaccine injury in our cohort. No response. The injured are not being studied.

Why is it that some hospitals refuse to use ivermectin and loved ones have to go to court to get a judge to tell the hospital to use it and then the patient improves? Why not use whatever drugs there are to fight this, especially if the patient is dying anyway when the drugs could save them. I know of one patient in the hospital with Covid who refused to be put on a ventilator and asked for ivermectin but the hospital said no so he had it snuck in to him and after self medicating two pills was much improved. He had to sign himself out of the hospital and went home on 3% oxygen for one week and is now recovering.

The whole reason that the hospitals say no to therapeutics and the drug companies push the vaccines is to make tons of money. Hospitals are short staffed and forcing front line doctors and nurses to get vaccines even though they worked for months without vaccines even came out. This crap that the news media and politicians and money hungry hospitals and a lot of misguided doctors are handing us are lies and only if you really do your research do you get the true facts. Thank you for your articles, I know that you are telling us the truth.

Regarding the woman in the video speaking about her daughter’s vaccination side effects: It’s a little concerning that the woman mentioned that her daughter got worse after each MRI with contrast. Could there seriously be a correlation? Just different.

I agree Kevin ! We are now seeing the fall out of just complying to the powers that be & their paid spokeholes the talking heads of the MSM. I am living proof IVM works. My 92 yr old father has not gotten sick yet ! He & my sister & bro in law all wormed our cattle at the beginning of the pandemic & one worked directly with Covid patient none of them have gotten it to date. We all use IVM prophylactic. My husband has ALS & got 3 vaccine boosters in Feb of 2020 & weeks later he was diagnosed with ALS. IMHO ALL vaccines are questionable at this point in history. ALL vaccines are unsafe for children & future gens when we see this jab causing spontaneous abortions/miscarriages & males to become sterile after injections. It gives us all pause for concern. Now they want to force children to get it ?!! Just wait until you have a bunch of irate parents in protection mode over their precious children ! The hand that rocks the cradle rules the 🌎

It’s time to reach back into history & take a 2nd look at what is available through nature, (naturopathic & homeopathic medicine) diet & the laws of health. Read an article from coffee & Covid sites an article in The NY Times headlined “The virus attacks fat tissue, scientists find” it says the spike directly attacks the immune cells contained within the fat cells. This seems to be one thing most Dr’s are unwilling to tell their patients to do is change their diet or lifestyle instead just pop a pill that masks the issues & is not curative. Medicine has turned into big business & is no longer about the patients & many Dr’s ignore their hippocratic oath for the god of gold. After all the greatest calling we have on 🌎 is to help our fellow man. I know of 2 hospitals right now who are under lawsuits for not prescribing IVM or HCQ. It’s sad. The regulatory agencies hold big sway & they are next ! & the pendulum swings. Question what will happen when this is revealed (& it already is coming out) to the public ?

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