2021 Philosophy Science

Stop Calling It Science

Medicine is my professional life.  Science is the language of medicine, or at least it used to be.  I’m not a scientist; I’m a practitioner.  But I love science, just like I love ideas.  Ideas separate humans from other living organisms, and ideas are often played out in the arena of politics.  I am not opposed to politics, but I am opposed to deception.  It is deceptive to hide behind the label of science to cover political actions.

I don’t believe today’s misuse of science is accidental.  Those doing it are too smart and too well educated to make that mistake.  Phrases like “follow the science” and “scientific close call” give an air of legitimacy to policies that are driven by agenda rather than facts and knowledge.  Counter examples are ignored; theories are not allowed to be disproven.

Today’s orthodoxy is defined by elite high priests who possess secret gnostic knowledge.  Scripture is what the priests say it is.  Ordinary people have no access their secret data.  Opponents of orthodoxy are labeled heretics, and some are vilified as examples to those tempted to stray.  There are rites that involve the letting of blood, and these rituals must be repeated periodically to maintain continued salvation.  Mass demonstrations of faith by believers prove their devotion to a movement that promises a second coming of pre-pandemic life sometime in the distant future, even though exactly when and how that will happen is vague.  Occasionally, human sacrifice is required to appease the gods, but those chosen for sacrifice must not complain.  The lambs must accept their fates willingly.  There can be no dissent.  Heterodoxy is not permitted in a nation whose motto is “In Science We Trust.” 

This is not science; this is religion.  Despite the first amendment to our constitution, our country is being turned into a theocracy, worshiping at the altar of “scientism.”  Scientism is being used as a tool to advance a political agenda, not a scientific one.  

Science is a process that establishes our best understanding of truth by disproving all that is false.  Someone says, “I have an idea,” and other scientists set out to prove it false by experiment.  “If your idea is true,” the experimenters say, “then my experiment should work out this way; since it worked out that way instead, your idea must be false.”  Experiments never prove an idea true.  “Scientific truth” is a probability not a certainty.  It’s subject to revision when someone invents a better idea, shifting our understanding into a new paradigm

Skepticism is integral to the scientific process.  When doubt is not allowed, it may be many things, but it’s not science.

By Kevin Homer, MD

Kevin Homer has practiced anatomic and clinical pathology at a community hospital in Texas since 1994.

9 replies on “Stop Calling It Science”

Thank you, I remain incredulous as they have neither been honest about adverse effects nor about HEK-cell lines being utilized nor even the exact ingredients of these products. When coronavirus struck I had already been prepared with a temp gun, pulse oximeter and a simple protocol I put together based on the treatment cocktail Trump was on:
NAPROXEN 250mgs 2x day, VitD3+Zinc, Melatonin. I found it most effective for me and I think the missing link of possible preventatives is the NAPROXEN. It was a game changer
Thanks again for all you do.

Absolutely the best simple language explanation to identify the corona virus mandates.Dr. Homer. Thank you.. I will add the mandates are akin to an age old attempt to domesticate animals, not unlike the use of a cattle prod to control animals.. This is clearly a predator / prey relationship that dates back many thousands of years to the agriculture revolution. More recently, they, the elites, expressed their fear of the pitch fork rebellion. There only response was to control us.

I am Dr Viljoen South Africa.
I am passionate about treating and caring for people and specifically patients. That’s what i do for a living.

I Treated more than 500 so called covid cases with a 100% natural range of Products called Oxycare. I never lost one patient. I also Treated many after covid cases,, suffering breathing/ respiratory and many other symptoms with 100% recoveries.

A civil movement namely ULC summoned Government and they had 2 weeks to prove and present the physical covid virus to the Higher Court but nothing at all from their side more than a year later.

So i presume one can except that there is a serious and dangerous flu but not a covid virus as such till otherwise proved.

How can a cheap product selling for only R150 (rand that is 15 times less the value of the dollar) 100% effective everytime with every case Treated with such a killer virus. Something is sneaky….
And let me tell you that is definitely the vaccines!!!

Why don’t all involved parties, specifically Governments come clear then they wouldn’t have to enforce themselves unto a single person. The proof is in the pudding. How much of a murderer can one become for the sake of money and power?? Killing people like rats!!!
Definitely you have no conscious and to realise that they have been chosen by the people.

Why don’t the voters stand together and up as one and remove them and get them in front of a tribunal. Let them face death and the results of their own doings.

Now where are the units or people that is suppose to protect us as normal citizens?

Let them take out those traitors and their manufacturing pharmaceuticals.

And let us Doctors do what we do best care and heal the nation. Dr D Viljoen Oxycare South Africa. Oxycare because i do Care and love life and people.

Thank you for your courage, Dr. Homer. America desperately needs patriots and real doctors at this time in our history. Thank you also for making the comparison between what we are witnessing today under the guise of science as a kind of religion. It needs to be said by qualified people like yourself. I believe that the popular, irrational, relativistic, thinking of our time has morphed into a kind of religious fundamentalism. This new religion could be called scientism and/or socialism.

This brings me to another important point that needs to be confronted loudly and publicly: The gross incompetence, abuses and problems we are witnessing in our society are not accidental; they are intentional. It appears that the followers of this new religion are purposely using Covid-19 to bring about their heaven on earth — no matter how many people suffer and die in the process (their idea of heaven looks more like hell to me, and they look more like demons than saviors).

A portion of my (accepted!) religious exemption request reads:” (God) also told me that I must not conform to the pattern of this world, to not be deceived by the fear-mongering rampant in the devil’s world. Furthermore, as a follower of Christ, I am commanded to forsake partaking in the worship of scientism- science above God-, and its tenet that is rampantly and rapidly promoting a vaccine in a manner that has undeniable characteristics to a similar mandate foretold, forcing all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark.*

Recently, it occurs to me that this broad usage of a experimental “vaccine” flies in the face of actual science. Actual science welcomes critical assessment to test validity. Censorship and insults do not promote the scientific method. They are indicative of inquisition of heretics.

Ask this question: Can ALL people take aspirin? Can ALL people take penicillin?

Both medications have been around for decades. But not all people can safely take these medications. So how in the name of God Almighty can people think it is good and right for EVERYONE to take this jab??? People have lost their minds. They’ve been given over to their delusions and have submitted themselves to their “lords”, the overseers who have only one agenda. Those “in charge” are driven by greed and thirst for power and immortality. They’ve been at work for years to demoralize a once mostly Christian nation. We are reaping what he have sown. Time to be strong in the faith, put on the full armor of God. Spiritual warfare is in full swing.**
*Revelation 13:15-17
**Ephesians 6:10-18

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