2021 COVID-19 Science Vaccine

Winning the War Against Therapeutic Nihilism

Dr. Peter McCullough spoke to the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons at their annual meeting on Saturday, October 2.  He gives a clear, easy to follow, scholarly perspective on the causes and treatments of COVID-19 and the safety and efficacy of COVID vaccines.  It’s a little more than an hour long, but I recommend you stop reading this blog and watch it by clicking here.   If you don’t have an hour to watch the video right now, here are my CliffsNotes version of Dr. McCullough’s talk, complete with video references.

There are serious safety concerns with COVID vaccines.  Lapses in usual safety standards plagued vaccine development and distribution (8:10).  Groups excluded from pre-authorization clinical trials are receiving vaccine (9:13), including pregnant women, women of childbearing age, COVID survivors, people with suspected COVID, and those with positive COVID serologies. 

The CDC and FDA have misled the public about vaccine safety.  They minimized vaccine related deaths (14:14), and they have not provided periodic safety reports.  Despite what is reported in the media, the FDA did not approve Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine (22:10).  The CDC manipulated data to support the “Pandemic of the Unvaccinated” narrative (29:15).  Of Americans hospitalized patients with COVID during the delta wave, 23% have been vaccinated (32:20). The CDC and FDA have failed to emphasize that seniors suffer the most vaccine failures (30:20).  Instead, they are focused on authorizing vaccines for children, a group that has a greater risk of hospitalization for vaccine-induced myocarditis than for COVID-19 (18:16).  The CDC and FDA cannot be trusted to provide honest information about vaccines.  

The universal vaccination policy must change.  All vaccines have failed against the delta variant (26:45), and they have not stopped the spread of virus (23:57).  Vaccines are forcing viral mutations (34:05); as vaccination rates increase, natural viral diversity decreases.  Vaccines produce narrow, limited immunity (36:00), and vaccinating COVID survivors causes harm (49:19).  Vaccinated individuals are as likely to spread virus as unvaccinated individuals (37:07).  On the other hand, natural immunity is robust, complete, and durable (49:09).  Natural immunity is the only backstop to virus spread (50:00).  

Treatments, not vaccines, drive down COVID mortality (33:43).  COVID-19 is a complex disease, but early home therapy is effective (38:30).  Inadequate treatment is responsible for COVID-19 deaths (44:34).  Many seniors have been abandoned by their doctors (45:47), but A Guide to Home Treatment of COVID-19, made available free by the AAPS, fills gaps in management (46:39).  

People are losing human rights.  Basic freedoms are now dependent on vaccine status (50:24).  We need outrage over ineffective and unsafe vaccines (52:45), we need doctors to be doctors (54:35), and we need journalists who recognize that something is wrong (56:36), that there has been a suppression of treatment resulting in fear, suffering, loneliness, isolation, hospitalization, and death (56:50).

But my notes do not have the eloquence and power of Dr. McCullough’s own words.  Please, click here and listen to five minutes, then stop when you want.  If you can.

By Kevin Homer, MD

Kevin Homer has practiced anatomic and clinical pathology at a community hospital in Texas since 1994.

2 replies on “Winning the War Against Therapeutic Nihilism”

Thanks Doctor for posting Dr. McCullough’s presentation. That is a powerful and easily understood message. People should send this link to all their political representatives and to parents bulletin boards so that are being coerced or forced to have their poor children vaccinated with the experimental vaccines can be properly informed and fired up.

Dr. McCullough graduated AOA from UT Southwestern Medical School in the class ahead of me. He’s an honest, thoughtful, and compassionate physician, but his message has been blocked and his character slandered. He does not deserve this ill-treatment.

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